Whole Food Healthy Eats On The Go!

My definition of fast food! Throw it all in a blender and drink up!!

I felt like a spaz today running from one place to another, but that's every day so what's new. What I really want to talk to you about is making the choice to put your health first, even when you have no time.

 There was a time that instead of choosing to fuel my body with life giving, energy sustaining foods that supported my health goals,  I would pull through the closest fast food joint, and order a burger and fries, with a diet coke, or stop and pick up a pizza on the way home.

I felt like I had no other options, or truth be told I was just too tired to do anything else.

What I have found through my weight loss journey is that we all have to make a choice, and those decisions come with consequences; good or not so good. 
 We really are not victims in our lives; we are change makers. So if you want better health you have to choose better health, but you can't just stop there right? Faith without action is dead, and so is the idea of a trimmer waist, balanced hormones and more energy, if you are not willing to take action to support these goals.

Here are three action steps you can take today to support your weight loss goals: 

  • Remove the temptation, trigger foods from your home. You know yourself, if it  is there you will eat it. I know I do! 
  • Have healthy food prepared and easy to grab and eat.
  • Drink more water. I like to buy cute stainless steal water bottles and bring them with me wherever I go. 


There will be more to come, but for now work on these three steps!!


If you want some support in breaking through your mindset barriers, I encourage you to download my free Weight Loss Course. I take you through the six essentials I used to lose 70 pounds and keep it off almost a decade now. Let me help you break free from those self limiting beliefs and help you finally ditch the weight and hormonal imbalance for good.


Recipe Corner:
 Today I chose a liver supporting, organ cleansing juice to take with me out the door. It literally took me two minutes to blend up and poor in my glass. I love my Vitamix because I don't get chunks, so the following ingredients seem more like a juice than smoothie (without the messy clean up of a juicer)! 

1cup of water, a pinch of sea salt, 2 handfuls of spinach leaves, 2celery stalks, a handful of cilantro, 2 spoons of beet powder and a squeeze of lemon. 

Holistic Weight Loss Tip: Always include a citrus with your greens, it helps your body break down the iron in the plants, and makes it more readily available for your body!

Blessings in Health and Happiness,



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