If there ever was an urgent time to stand in your power, and do what you came there to do, it is now.
The mental illness in our country is at an all time high and it is destroying our children, our health, our relationships and frankly Mother Earth.
There is a real urgency for change, for all of us to stand in our own essence and begin anew. Great medicine men and women all over the world are calling for each of us to become, "The one you are waiting for," rather than wait for a savior, a pill, or someone else to do something about it, step into your own power to heal and do something different.
As a society we know change is vital, we see our children's safety being threatened, we feel the unrest deep within our soul, and know something needs to be done.
Physics teaches us that all action has a reaction, and if the majority of us remember who we truly are and step into real power, the scales can begin to tip back into our favor, and...
Death, we've all experienced it.
It comes in many forms, the loss of a loved one, the death of a marriage, a home, a family, a four legged friend or job.
My family and I suffered a tragic loss over the Summer, my husband of eighteen years was killed in a motorcycle accident, and with him was the death of who I thought I was and what my future would hold.
I share with you, my heart filled with compassion and understanding as you may be learning to navigate through your own transitions, some abrupt in nature, some more gradual.
Life is filled with many cycles of death, some more difficult than others.
Today I want to send you feelings of peace and trust and a reminder that you are not alone, you are seen and understood, loved by a source much greater than your own understanding - and it is supporting you on your soul's journey and purpose for this life.
There are times when you may have been filled with great fear, endless tears, anger and gut...
As part of many Shamanic cultures a person is called to be a Shaman by their village or tribe when the person chosen has faced death and lived to tell about it.
The tribe believes the spirits took mercy on the healer and helped them live with the agreement that they would heal others with the help of their power animals and spirits. It became a working agreement between the Shaman and the Spirits.
Part of my path as an Energy Healer and Shamanic Medicine Practitioner started a lot like these chosen Shaman.
A childhood filled with both physical and emotional abuse, sexual assaults and finally a near death experience where I lost every ounce of blood in my body and then some, woke me up enough to understand life was about more than I had been struggling with.
It took a near death experience to help me recognize that there is more to our existence and I hadn't been using my rightful power, although admittedly it took years before I would truly understand how to use it.
Hello Friend,
I have been really studying emotional eating and managing the tendency to use food to numb out and not feel so much, so I created this weeks podcast to share with you in hopes to be of service.
As an empath we feel everything on such a deep level and the sugar cravings and overeating can sometimes be one of our coping mechanisms to help us numb those feelings out and not have to deal with them.
You know the feeling, the donut screaming your name on the break room table. The Ben and Jerry's calling you from the freezer. The warm chocolate chip cookies your daughter just baked, beckoning from the kitchen counter. The nachos eating away at your willpower as you binge on Netflix. Here they are again-the cravings!
We all have them, but do you know why, and what to do about them? Cravings have both physical and emotional components. The most common foods we crave are sugar, carbs, salt, chocolate and my fave cheese!
So let's chat about some helpful tips to...
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