To-Do List Got Ya Stressed: Here's My Top 5 Tips to Free Up Time and Get More Done

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one” .
-Mark Twain

Have you ever wished for a few more hours in the day? Why is it that some people seem to get everything done effortlessly and others feel that time constantly eludes them?


The secret to managing your time well isn’t working more hours.

It is about prioritizing the important things and learning to use the time you have more efficiently and effectively.


The secret is working smarter, not harder.

Some of us, by nature, organize and get tasks out of the way before we relax, while others of us play first and work later. It is important to first recognize which type you are and whether your style is allowing you to have the life you really want. Maybe you are super-organized at work, but burned out because you don’t know how to make time for yourself. Maybe you are naturally a less organized person who knows how to relax, but you are dissatisfied because you aren’t fulfilling your goals and dreams.

Time management is an area of your life that can be strengthen. Like a new muscle, it takes practice and repetition to make it stronger.

Here is a list to help you get started, choose two strategies that you will start implementing today.

  • Prioritize what is most important and do that first
  • Create to-do lists that are realistic, not intimidating
  • Block schedule your time in a way that reduces interruptions    
  • Ask for help and delegate
  • In the evening make your to-do list for the next day
  • Acknowledge yourself daily for all that you have accomplished


Let's take a look at the two biggest hindrances to using time effectively: procrastinating and lacking purpose.

We usually procrastinate when a task seems too daunting, or complex. When you get that feeling of overwhelm try breaking the large task into smaller, manageable action steps.

We also often drag our heels or use our time inefficiently because we are bored, unengaged and uninspired.

The most effective people will tell you that they love what they do and are aligned with a greater purpose. 

When it comes to managing your time, you may need to ask the larger question: 

“Am I doing what I love to do? Am I doing something meaningful to me?” 

Manage your time more effectively so that you can live the most amazing life you love, doing all that you want to do and experience. 

Blessings in Health and Happiness,

Would you like to free up time when it comes to losing weight, meal planning and prepping for the week? You might want to get on the Smart Keto Academy Waitlist, opening this Spring 2019. 

You'll receive:

An understanding on how to use Keto correctly that may lead to effortless weight loss, vibrant health and loving the skin you're in with clarity, coaching and guidance to make your life so much easier in this often overwhelming area of life!  


What would you do more of if you had more time in the day? I'd love to hear from you in over in our WEIGHT LOSS FACEBOOK GROUP. Pop in say hello and share with us what you'd do with more time in a day. 



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