No time for healthy food? Then make time for dis-ease.

busy mom healthy food Feb 13, 2019


No time to make healthy meals

No time to meal plan

Going through the fast food place is easier

I don't get home until late

The kids have sports practice


These are all the reasons we give ourselves for letting the food we eat be poor in quality, and lacking necessary nutrients that will give us the optimal health we crave. When our body is getting what it needs, sugar cravings are a thing of the past and 3:00 crashes are no longer the norm. Instead we have amazing energy to keep up with the demands on our time and energy.

I weighed over 200 pounds. I was insecure and spent a fortune trying to get thin. I was running my kids around to sports practice and extra curricular activities that left me feeling like I had no other option than to stop and get drive thru fast food. I was feeding my kids cheeseburgers and fries, followed with a side of sugar a.k.a soda. Even getting a salad for myself and trying to be "healthy" wasn't eating optimally and I sure as heck wasn't feeding my kids very well.

It wasn't until I lost weight and got really unhealthy, yes you heard me right...I lost weight first AND then got really unhealthy. I had a cancer scare, sever pain and absolutely no energy! But hey, I was thin right. Heck no, this was not okay...

People began to ask me how I lost weight, friends and family notice when you go from size 18 to a size 4! My integrity wasn't about to tell people how I did it, so they too could end up in the pain that I was in. I decided to enroll in nutrition school and this is when my love for natural health began. Not to mention how to get off the diet roller coaster. You hear it all the time, "I am changing my lifestyle, I am not on a diet", but is it true? What the heck does that mean anyway.

My eyes were open to what is means to be healthy and to truly change my lifestyle. How free it feels to have energy, clear skin,  sleep all through the night, undisturbed by night sweats, or awakened from pain. How to manage stress that used to have me grabbing for the medicine cabinet and my anti-anxiety medication.

I share this with you because you as my reader, you too are a busy mom, I get that! Maybe you work from home as a successful business woman, while managing to homeschool your kids (that's me), maybe you work, exercise, take your kids all over the city to keep them "involved" (That was me too), maybe you are simply a stay at home mom that homeschools the kids or maybe send the kids to school (yep, did that too)....The point is we are all busy and have some reason or way we justify our poor diets.

I see a trend taking place that worries me. Moms are reaching for the next best thing and spending money on potions and "cleanses" that is their next quick fix. The truth is yes, there are supportive weight loss products out there...but these quick fix powders and packets should not replace the importance of real food...no matter how busy you are.

An extended period of time of drinking these shakes will upset the balance in your body, it will create an environment that feeds yeast...An ugly epidemic that causes a lot of problems and is even being blamed for the "leaky gut." A few symptoms: adult acne, hormone issues (pms, agitation, crying, irritability), infertility, migraines, bloated stomach and so on. This stuff is serious and not easily recognized with western medicine.

This posts probably isn't going to get me a Miss Popularity award, a lot of my friends are selling these products.

Truth remains, nothing replaces a diet of nutrient dense, wholesome foods properly prepared. The inner sass in me says, I don't care how busy you are, if you don't make time for healthy living now....You will absolutely have time stolen from you later, because of dis-ease and/or poor health.

I have a newsletter coming out tomorrow morning that has a very nice surprise for you. You are not going to want to miss it. Be sure you are signed up, you can find the sign up box on any of the pages of my website. Get signed up and don't miss out.

Our kids need us to show them a better way, to help them live a full, healthy and happy life. Ask yourself if your actions are supporting what you want for your kids. This IS the exact question I asked myself when I first started on this journey! I hope you will do the same.

Blessings in Health and Happiness,


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