7 Time Saving - Weight Loss Hacks for Busy Moms

I get it you are busy, actually to say you are busy may even be an understatement. You have a busy career, kids to taxi around, church or community events to serve in, dinner to be made and laundry to be done. So how on earth do you fit weight loss into your already full schedule?

I used to feel this way too, when I weighed over 210 pounds I was exhausted, and barely getting by with the energy I had, to even think about adding another item to my to-do list was a bit much.

I want to help teach you what I learned along my journey of releasing 70 pounds, so weight loss doesn't feel like a chore, but instead you get really excited about starting because I teach you what actually works. 

Here are my top seven hacks to help you start losing weight now. I promise you that if you use the simple yet powerful tools I give you, you can't help but have success. 


Put your health first. This was so hard for me!! I was so used to giving to everyone else and really felt guilty...

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No time for healthy food? Then make time for dis-ease.


No time to make healthy meals

No time to meal plan

Going through the fast food place is easier

I don't get home until late

The kids have sports practice


These are all the reasons we give ourselves for letting the food we eat be poor in quality, and lacking necessary nutrients that will give us the optimal health we crave. When our body is getting what it needs, sugar cravings are a thing of the past and 3:00 crashes are no longer the norm. Instead we have amazing energy to keep up with the demands on our time and energy.

I weighed over 200 pounds. I was insecure and spent a fortune trying to get thin. I was running my kids around to sports practice and extra curricular activities that left me feeling like I had no other option than to stop and get drive thru fast food. I was feeding my kids cheeseburgers and fries, followed with a side of sugar a.k.a soda. Even getting a salad for myself and trying to be "healthy" wasn't eating optimally and I sure as heck wasn't feeding...

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