Self Care and Self Love... What is that ?

"It has been so long Im not even sure what self love is."



Did that beginning sentence catch your attention, I know for me it did? I can recall a time where, I was 70 pounds overweight, riddled with pain, exhausted, overwhelmed, depressed and uptight with very little patience for my children.

I sacrificed on sleep, exercise, quiet time and my own needs, so I could care and serve everyone else. (See more of where that lead me below.)

"I was the typical woman with a servant’s heart, raised to believe you had to sacrifice yourself in order to care for others."

 My mom didn’t intentionally teach me this; I just watched her give her all to the family without ever asking for her own needs to be met.

Does this resonate with you? Most of my clients like you, have a nurturing heart, and care deeply for their loved ones and want to be sure their children get the BEST care possible.

We are raising children, building careers, caring for loved ones, serving in...

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