The Number One Thing We Get Wrong About Manifesting Our Dreams Into Reality.

Have you ever shut down your manifestation goals with:


"There's just no way, it's ridiculous to even think I can, whom am I anyway."

"There just isn't enough time, money or me to go around and get it all done."

"I've tried before and it didn't work."


Yeah this gal right here has, probably a few more times than I'd like to admit! 

I've just got back after spending 6 days with my grandbaby. Norah just turned one and she reminded me of what it's like to seamlessly go after what you want without fear. 


When we were kids we dreamt big, we tried things without fear or pre-conceived notions and we just knew we could do it, even if it took us a few tries.

Then we grew up, life kicked us around a bit and we figured out that life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes it hurts...a lot and maybe we should stop doing those things that aren't comfortable.

I've been studying the art of transformation and manifestation for a lot of years now.

When I started this...

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