The Number One Thing We Get Wrong About Manifesting Our Dreams Into Reality.

Have you ever shut down your manifestation goals with:


"There's just no way, it's ridiculous to even think I can, whom am I anyway."

"There just isn't enough time, money or me to go around and get it all done."

"I've tried before and it didn't work."


Yeah this gal right here has, probably a few more times than I'd like to admit! 

I've just got back after spending 6 days with my grandbaby. Norah just turned one and she reminded me of what it's like to seamlessly go after what you want without fear. 


When we were kids we dreamt big, we tried things without fear or pre-conceived notions and we just knew we could do it, even if it took us a few tries.

Then we grew up, life kicked us around a bit and we figured out that life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes it hurts...a lot and maybe we should stop doing those things that aren't comfortable.

I've been studying the art of transformation and manifestation for a lot of years now.

When I started this...

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Ritual #3: Truth or Dare and Your Secret Map to Success

Now comes the good stuff, it's time to practice some serious transformational magic! Don't worry if you've missed the first two rituals you can find them below.


It's time my friend to get real about who you are and what you want, no more hiding and living behind someone else's veil.

Today's Empath Woman Awaken Ritual is going to teach you how to shed the old stories that keep you stuck, and embark on a new empowering journey.

Get out your journal, it's time to reach into the depths of your soul and uncover what it is you truly want and how you are going to get there.


Ritual #3: Authenticity Truth or Dare 

In this exercise I'm going to ask you to look at the POSSIBILITIES before the probability!

You're about to put the cart WAAAAAAYYYYY before the horse!

If one of my students had only focused on what was probable, do you think she'd  be making 6 figures a year, only working 12 days a month and spending the rest of her time with her family and horses....

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Episode 012: The Secret to Manifesting Happier Relationships

Hey There Friends! 

Hope y'all are doing amazing, right before I recorded this episode I went on a 7.5 hike with a buddy and laughed like I haven't laughed in years....and you know what, I was right in the middle of some serious relationship drama! 

I tell you this only because I always promise to be real with you, I don't want you to ever think that in order to share your wisdom and help uplift another person, you have to have it all together....the truth is we are all human having a human experience and are meant to grow. I personally want to grow and grow and grow...


Let's chat relationships shall we? 


When I talk about relationships during this episode I am talking about anyone and everyone you wish to leave that interaction feeling happy, full of joy and full of good energy, rather than the opposite.

If you are a yeller (or wish you could yell), sometimes over-reacting to finally feel heard or valued, then this episode is for you. 


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Episode 011: Parenting Secrets For Raising The Highly Sensitive Child


Hey There Gorgeous! 

Hope you're enjoying your Summer, are you ready for the kiddos to head back to school yet?

I homeschool mine, so its actually the opposite for me, I love the freedom Summer brings, I get so much more done! 

With school getting ready to go back into session, and being that you've had all these weeks with the kids, I thought I'd share a few secrets about raising highly sensitive children.


Some of my absolute favorite clients have been working with families raising these highly intelligent, sensitive, super active, ridiculously amazing, yet demanding kids! 

My business was called Nourish The Gift - Not the Disorder, often it's simply about bringing these kids into balance, to nourish their gifts rather than the destructive patterns that can show up when out of balance.


After being a highly sensitive child myself, and raising four of my own along with several years of working with Physicians and families across the nation,...

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