The Number One Thing We Get Wrong About Manifesting Our Dreams Into Reality.

Have you ever shut down your manifestation goals with:


"There's just no way, it's ridiculous to even think I can, whom am I anyway."

"There just isn't enough time, money or me to go around and get it all done."

"I've tried before and it didn't work."


Yeah this gal right here has, probably a few more times than I'd like to admit! 

I've just got back after spending 6 days with my grandbaby. Norah just turned one and she reminded me of what it's like to seamlessly go after what you want without fear. 


When we were kids we dreamt big, we tried things without fear or pre-conceived notions and we just knew we could do it, even if it took us a few tries.

Then we grew up, life kicked us around a bit and we figured out that life doesn't always go as planned and sometimes it hurts...a lot and maybe we should stop doing those things that aren't comfortable.

I've been studying the art of transformation and manifestation for a lot of years now.

When I started this...

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Episode 012: The Secret to Manifesting Happier Relationships

Hey There Friends! 

Hope y'all are doing amazing, right before I recorded this episode I went on a 7.5 hike with a buddy and laughed like I haven't laughed in years....and you know what, I was right in the middle of some serious relationship drama! 

I tell you this only because I always promise to be real with you, I don't want you to ever think that in order to share your wisdom and help uplift another person, you have to have it all together....the truth is we are all human having a human experience and are meant to grow. I personally want to grow and grow and grow...


Let's chat relationships shall we? 


When I talk about relationships during this episode I am talking about anyone and everyone you wish to leave that interaction feeling happy, full of joy and full of good energy, rather than the opposite.

If you are a yeller (or wish you could yell), sometimes over-reacting to finally feel heard or valued, then this episode is for you. 


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Episode 010: The Secret to Setting Boundaries for Greater Spiritual Connection w/ Whitney McNeill


Hey There Friend! 

How is this full moon, Mercury Retrograding, high vibing week treating you?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling it.

You'll hear in this podcast how retrograde almost got to our recording, but we made it and you get to listen in because of it! (Although my brand new 4 month old Macbook Pro didn't survive!)


Let's chat boundaries shall we? 

Do you say, "Yes" when you really want to say "No"?

Or say "No" without guilt or explanation?

Do you hold space for yourself and show up for you the same enthusiastic way you do for everyone else? 

Do you feel overwhelmed with all you do, and don't seem to be getting where you want to be?


This week's podcast episode of The Empath Woman Awaken Podcast is about setting and keeping boundaries for a more aligned and blissful life.


Learning to set boundaries is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, so why then is setting them so hard?

Let both my special guest Whitney...

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Episode 009: How to Identify Your Spiritual Gifts and Live Your Life's Purpose


Hey There Friend,


Do you ever wish that you could tap into your Empath super powers and understand exactly what you are called here to do?

In today's Empath Woman Awaken Podcast that's exactly what I'm going to share with you.

Discover how your life's greatest struggles may actual be a part of your greatest gifts. Many, many years ago, before I met my husband, I was in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship that landed me in the hospital at 7 months pregnant, questioning my existence and purpose for being here.

Learn how I tapped into the little strength I had, to overcome and manifest everything I've ever wanted in life.

I learned my strength, and what I was capable of overcoming when life was at its hardest.

I'm going to teach you how to look at your life with different lenses and discover your greatest gifts, and how you are called to use them.


In this Podcast episode I teach you:

  • How to discover your life's purpose
  • How to discover and embody...
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