Ritual #2: How to Take Back Your Power and Ease Into 2020 With Unstoppable Resolve.

Hey There Friend,

You want to go into 2020 feeling unstoppable right! Awesome.

Here's what NOT to do:

  • Start goals because you think you, "Have to."
  • Continue beating yourself up for not reaching past goals.
  • Hanging on to someone else's ideals and self imposed values.


INSTEAD you're about to take back your POWER. 

Here is part 2 of the Empath Woman Awaken Ritual Series.

 Today, let's walk through 2 simple steps to recognize where your power is being taken away from you:

  • Where you might be giving your power away.
  • Which goals are truly yours and how to crush them without all the emotional baggage and guilt of the past.

This week is about empowering you with some serious truth, and a concrete way to stop struggling and get more of what you want.


You ARE tired of the struggle, RIGHT?

 If you're still struggling, it's because something within you says it's not okay to have it. 

Here's the FANTASTIC news about that!!!


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Episode 003: Avoid The Pain I Went Through, Keto The Right Way For Women


 In a State of Desperation Willing to Do Anything to Lose Weight, I Found Myself Extremely Sick, Facing A Cancer Scare, Autoimmune and Pain Over My Entire Body - AFTER Losing 70 Pounds.



I want to get a little more personal with you today and share why I am so passionate about making sure you understand the right way to do Keto, and quite frankly the right way to lose your weight.


In my desperation I fell prey to the weight loss companies knowing I would do anything to lose my weight.

 The shakes, the bars, the pills, the shots, the ready made meals, the point system, you name it I had tried it ...

My last resort was a Keto-ish diet and yes, I lost 70 pounds but ended up in the worst shape of my life.


I found myself extremely sick, facing a Cancer scare, autoimmune disease, pain over my entire body. 

 I literally had to claw my way back to good health. I did it, I healed my gut, manage my autoimmune, don't have Cancer, and...

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